I've been reading a lot lately about people complaining about white balance and how its different in every photo they take and how much of a pain and how much time it takes to correct every photo. What I've found is most of the time this problem occurs when you're using Auto White Balance.
Auto White Balance is going to analyze the white balance and correct it each time a photo is taken. An easy way to correct that is by using a custom white balance. When I go out to shoot after I get the lighting and exposure correct in camera Ill set a preset custom white balance using the gray card on the ColorChecker Passport. Once I have a good preset Ill take a picture of the gray card as well as a picture of the color palate on the ColorChecker Passport.
I use these photos in Lightroom to create a color profile and set a constant white balance on one photo and then sync the settings to the other photos that were taken in the same lighting.
Now you don’t need a ColorChecker Passport to do this. A regular gray card will do the same thing you just wont be able to create a custom color profile in Lightroom. Just remember to set a new custom white balance and take a photo of the gray card every time you change your lighting or location. That way you have the most accurate white balance and color profile.
Check out the video below on how I do this in Lightroom.