I always get asked the question "What bag should I get?" or "What do you carry your gear in?" The bottom line that you want to remember when choosing a bag is will the bag you choose last you a while and Im not just talking about quality.
Obviously quality is important, you don't want a bag that is going to fall apart on you after a few uses. You also want a bag that will allow you to expand with you. What I mean by that is you want a bag that will allow you to hold all your gear as you get more gear over the years.
If you're starting out and you only have a camera body and one lens you might be tempted to buy a bag that holds just your body and lens. The problem with that is, when you expand and get another lens or a speed light you don't have any place to put them in your bag and now have to get a new one.
If you buy a bag that might be bigger than what you need currently you will have to room to expand as you get more gear and you wont end up with a stack of small bags just laying around collecting dust.
I currently use a Think Tank Photo Airport International v2.0 as my main bag. The belt pack consists of a:
-Think Tank Pro Speed Belt
-Lens Changer 75 Pop Down
-Lens Changer 35 V2.0
-Hubba Hubba Hiney
-Skin Chimp Cage
If you want to check out Think Tank Photo bags go to