Several weeks ago Jared Polin from FroKnowsPhoto posted a photo challenge on his YouTube page. The challenge basically consisted of going to a location, staying there for one hour and taking photos of everything you see.
Yesterday I decided to go out and give the challenge a try. At first I didn't think the challenge would be very difficult. I found a spot downtown near the waterfront and started shooting. For the first 20-30 minutes I was shooting pretty obvious stuff. After about 30 minutes I starting struggling to find stuff to shoot. This is where the challenge really started. I started looking around and started seeing all the little details I didn't notice at first.
When I left I realized something I had never really thought much about before which is to look outside the box at all the little details. Don't just look at the big picture, look at all the little pieces that make up the big picture.
I pass the same challenge onto you and see what you can get. Here's some of the photos I got yesterday.